Last Chance to Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression
by Robert R. Prechter, Jr.
Last Chance to Conquer the Crash is your guidebook for total preparation — and total safety –during a time of a financial crash and economic depression. It offers a unique set of secrets for financial survival.
The first edition of Conquer the Crash (2002) prepared readers for the meltdown of 2006-2012 in stocks, junk bonds and real estate, the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. The next crisis will be even bigger, and the fully revised and updated Last Chance to Conquer the Crash (completed Dec. 2021) will have you fully prepared.
The new edition includes exciting new information on offshore banking, foreign citizenships and low-cost international precious metals storage.
Hardback: 480 pages | Published: 2021 (Wiley, New Classics Library) | ISBN: 978-0470567975
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